Our mission is to raise cancer awareness and to teach people that early detection and proper screening can save lives.
To encourage people to understand that the risk of cancer can be reduced by proper screening and prevention we provide free breast cervical and oral cancer screening along with general medical checkups and medicine as needed at our medical camps.
In 2017, we held 6 seminars. In each seminar, we discussed the importance of breast self-exams, cervical screening and oral cancer screening for early detection. With the support of the CNCI medical team, KDFCC volunteers and consulting oncologists conducted 7 medical screening camps.
Breast Self-Exam (BE) was performed on 221 women. Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) was performed on 169 women. Out of 169, 3 women had nipple discharge and are currently receiving further medical care. 225 women were screened for cervical cancer. Biopsies were taken from 3 women; One was diagnosed with minor grade lesion, one was with HPV infection, and one was diagnosed with CIN II. Our volunteers escorted these women to the CNCI hospital where they were successfully treated by surgery and/or medicine. These women were then advised to perform routine follow up checkups.
Oral screening was performed on 233 persons, both male and female. 13 were diagnosed with infection and were provided with medicine. One was observed with lesions and advised for further evaluation.
In addition, KDFCC provided free general checkups and a program to determine blood sugar level of villagers while fasting. In 2017, a total of 545 people including both adults and
children, took advantage of these free checkups. A total of 201villagers had their blood sugar level checked at no cost. We provided free medicine to both gynecological and general patients.
KDFCC continued to support students from cancer victim families for books, admission fees and tuition fees so that these students can move forward for their better life.
KDFCC provided monetary support for various cancer patients for their treatment as well. We supported 3 cancer patients who suffered from cancer such as blood cancer and colon cancer.
Our annual Foundation day was held to raise cancer awareness and to encourage people to learn about the importance of early detection. Students from different schools participated in the debate competition.
Cancer affects millions of people irrespective religion, race and creed. We strongly believe together we can help fight against cancer and make progress towards our mission.
To encourage people to understand that the risk of cancer can be reduced by proper screening and prevention we provide free breast cervical and oral cancer screening along with general medical checkups and medicine as needed at our medical camps.
In 2017, we held 6 seminars. In each seminar, we discussed the importance of breast self-exams, cervical screening and oral cancer screening for early detection. With the support of the CNCI medical team, KDFCC volunteers and consulting oncologists conducted 7 medical screening camps.
Breast Self-Exam (BE) was performed on 221 women. Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) was performed on 169 women. Out of 169, 3 women had nipple discharge and are currently receiving further medical care. 225 women were screened for cervical cancer. Biopsies were taken from 3 women; One was diagnosed with minor grade lesion, one was with HPV infection, and one was diagnosed with CIN II. Our volunteers escorted these women to the CNCI hospital where they were successfully treated by surgery and/or medicine. These women were then advised to perform routine follow up checkups.
Oral screening was performed on 233 persons, both male and female. 13 were diagnosed with infection and were provided with medicine. One was observed with lesions and advised for further evaluation.
In addition, KDFCC provided free general checkups and a program to determine blood sugar level of villagers while fasting. In 2017, a total of 545 people including both adults and
children, took advantage of these free checkups. A total of 201villagers had their blood sugar level checked at no cost. We provided free medicine to both gynecological and general patients.
KDFCC continued to support students from cancer victim families for books, admission fees and tuition fees so that these students can move forward for their better life.
KDFCC provided monetary support for various cancer patients for their treatment as well. We supported 3 cancer patients who suffered from cancer such as blood cancer and colon cancer.
Our annual Foundation day was held to raise cancer awareness and to encourage people to learn about the importance of early detection. Students from different schools participated in the debate competition.
Cancer affects millions of people irrespective religion, race and creed. We strongly believe together we can help fight against cancer and make progress towards our mission.